Saturday, 28 March 2009

A deep and wonder-ful communion of people

The Johannesburg Storytelling Circe was privileged to host a World Storytelling Day event at Constitution Hill, at the old Women's Prison, on 21 March 2009 (which is South Africa's Human Rights Day). What made this a notable event is the participation of former detainees at the Women's Prison. Their stories made us realise how far South Africa has come as a country.

Constitution Hill, the home of South Africa's Constitutional Court, is steeped in history; it is a place that has seen the brutal abuse of human rights within its walls when it was still the notorious Old Fort Prison Complex. For many who were incarcerated here because they were perpetrators of inhumane racial laws, this was the only home they knew for a long time. Many of South Africa's leading political activists, including global icons for human rights and freedom, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Ghandi, were detained here. Today, the old Fort Prison Complex is spacious and open, with printed glass panels telling the stories of those who passed through. The atmosphere is tranquil and peaceful - the perfect home for the Constitutional Court, South Africa's protector of human rights.

A comment from one of the former detainees and a participant in the storytelling event, sums up the atmosphere: "Look at the palm trees. It is like a holiday destination. It feels good to come back."

As there were only 12 participants, the event took the form of a dialogue circle, with everybody taking a turn in telling a story on the theme of Neighbours. There was a good mix of true stories with deep and thought-provoking messages, and light and entertaining tales and African chants. To me, the greatest value of this day were the sense of communion between people coming from such diverse backgrounds and with totally different experiences and the enjoyment we shared while learning how to sing chants (a totally new cultural experience for me).

Two of the Johannesburg Storytelling Circle's members commented:

"I was struck afresh at how we all change during the process of storytelling. When we listen, we are transported, we look different, we hold ourselves differently. For that brief time a diverse group of people are held together in a communion that is deep and wonder-ful. A communion that allows us to be free to tell of moments of laughter and of trauma.

"And so it was in the small room that had been the hospital for 'non-White' prisoners, where we are informed of the number of babies that were born there during the grim past. So we too delivered and received creations of joy and sorrow and humour and pain. Once again the power of stories and their telling was demonstrated.

"And we came away different people, having been changed by what we had heard and what we had said."

- Vanessa Bower, coordinator of the Johannesburg Storytelling Circle.

"Nohlanhla Hadebe and Nomusa Mdlalose introduced us to praise chant to be done before storytelling. The caller sings the praises of his/her genealogy and the audience answers with a chanted response. For Anglo-Saxons this is quite a challenge as singing the praises of ourselves and our family line is culturally discouraged. I had a go at it – what an exhilarating experience! It holds the potential of honouring of who we are and who we descend from, and for letting that be seen!"

- Diana Cowen, member of the Johannesburg Storytelling Circle.

This was a hugely successful event with requests for repeated storytelling events from both the former detainees and Constitution Hill Women's Prison management.

For more information about Constitution Hill, please go to:


Jim said...

Congrats on your World Storytelling Day Event. Having worked as a chaplain in a prison I concur whole-heartedly regarding the power of storytelling to "set people free."

Susan Williams said...

Hi Jim

Thanks for your post - and for registering on my blog. I'm so thrilled as this is my first attempt at a blog!

Have you had any experience with "narrative therapy"? I have been approached to talk to third year students at one of our universities about this, as it is the first time that they are offering it. I'm thinking of doing a workshop and not a lecture.

Jim said...

Hi Susan,

I have no "professional" experience with narrative therapy. But I've seen the power of storytelling to help people deal with the hurts from their past as I've told stories in correctional settings and substance abuse groups. I have on my next to read list the book by Janine Roberts, Tales and Transformation. A therapist I met at a workshop recommended to me. It's been on my pile for several months and its time has come! I'll let you know what I think of it. How about you? Any work with narrative therapy?

Susan Williams said...

Hi Jim

No, I haven't done work as a therapist or a counsellor, but have done workshops on life-story telling, and I am always touched - and humbled - by the power of telling your own story to bring about healing and connection between people.

Thanks for the reference to the book. I'll try and get it as well.